On 14 April 2021 the Hungarian Europe Society joined the protest of numerous NGOs urging the Egyptian authorities to release Ahmen Samir Santawy. The...
The Civilisation Coalition - including its member organisation, the Hungarian Europe Society - protested in a declaration on 4 June 2019 against the...
The Hungarian Europe Society (HES) has been witnessing with great bewilderment and concern, that the European Commission has refrained from referring...
"Nobody has the intention of building a wall", declared GDR Head of State Walter Ulbricht in the summer of 1961, in East-Berlin. Despite of his words...
We find it amusing that Magyar Nemzet, having failed to negatively paint our society as a sort of EU “lobby group”, resorted to unveiling one by one...
Abusing their two-third parliamentary majority, Viktor Orbán and his government in a new wave of “coup-like” amendments to the constitution wants to...
About the European Union - in Plain Language and on High Level was the title of the event held by HES (Attila Bartha, Tamás Galambos, István Hegedűs...
The Hungarian Europe Society observes the indecisiveness of the Hungarian government with increasing concern: the “floatation” of the introduction of...
The Hungarian Europe Society declares its revulsion and horror at the despicable attacks in London on 7 July 2005. We offer our sympathy to the many...
We were shocked and surprised to receive the senseless, antidemocratic and populist proposal raised by Péter Medgyessy in the Hungarian Parliament on...
The Hungarian Europe Society welcomes the positive result of the Irish referendum about the Treaty of Nice of the European Union with great pleasure...