A Mothers of Europe egy olyan kezdeményezés, amely a modern Európát alakító nők úttörő teljesítményének történetét meséli el, olyan nőkét, akik a demokrácia, a társadalmi progresszió és az igazságosság védelmezői voltak, mégis alulreprezentáltak a történelmi ismereteinkben.
A történelemről szóló beszédmódunk egyúttal hatalmi viszonyokról is árulkodik. A kollektív emlékezet és a nők bevonása a történelem elbeszélésébe - vagy éppen abból való kizárása – erősen hat a nőknek a mostani társadalmakban betöltött szerepére. Projektünk célja, hogy megemlékezzen azokról a kiváló nőkről és felhívja rájuk a széles közvélemény figyelmet, akik elősegítették a demokratikus átmenetet, erősítették az európai integrációt és formálták az Európai Unió értékeit. A nők történelmi jelentőségének bemutatása egyben a jelenkor női szereplőit is megtámogatja.
A projekt workshopokból és kiállítás-sorozatból áll, amelyet az együttműködő partner szervezetek három magyarországi és további tizenöt európai városban rendeznek meg. A kiállításokhoz közös kiadvány társul, amely a nagyformátumú nők munkásságának történelmi hátterét kívánja mélyebben feltárni.
Mothers of Europe has received funding under Grant Agreement no 101143916, from the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) under the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) programme.
The Hungarian Europe Society - together with its partners, the 21 Research Center and the Republikon Institute - intends to continue its investigation on the future and renewal of liberal democracy globally and in Europe.
The project is supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.
The protagonists of liberal democracy and open society – liberal-minded political actors, civil groups and citizens - face ongoing populist ideological attacks against the fundaments of our liberal political system as well as the erosion of shared universal and European values in big portions of the populations. Although an anti-liberal U-turn has not occurred globally, the emergence of authoritarian states, especially Russia and China, and the significant influence of illiberal political entrepreneurs within the international democratic community have recently made the serious challenge more salient. It is still not too late to conceptualise how a wide circle of stakeholders, who believe in the future of liberal democracy and the liberal world order – including the reform capability of the European Union - might and should react assertively to the major political threat of our current era. There are positive examples worldwide which give us hope about the resilience of liberal political regimes. In worse cases – just like in Hungary – the political renewal of pro-European and liberal-minded actors need much more intellectual, visionary, strategic, organisational and communicative innovations in order to regain their dominant role in the political arena and the public spheres.
The project aims to mitigate deepening media polarisation in support of voters’ informed decision making in Georgia and V4 states by assessing internal and external political factors that stimulate polarisation after the start of the war in Ukraine, as well as by promoting dialogue and experience exchange between media and civil society of Georgia, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic and Poland. Project proposal focuses on the critical challenges of media polarisation and responds to the questions about how to cope with increasing pressure and make media more accountable. The project also aims to distinguish the mechanisms to mitigate polarisation in the media and find the ways of how media can facilitate political debate to help voters make informed decisions based on the best practices.
The EU-funded DIACOMET project will advance ethical and accountable communication by promoting capacity building for civic resilience against disinformation and civic accountability. The project will generate a concept of dialogic communication ethics, providing a framework for an inclusive model of accountability mechanisms that combine media accountability with civic accountability, bound by a civic code of good communication conduct (a new type of communication ethics).
Funded by the European Union (grant agreement ID: 101094816).
The EUritage project celebrates the 30th anniversary of Central European democratic revolutions as well as the 15th anniversary of their accession to the European Union. The project is led by WiseEuropa, Warsaw, together with the Institut für Europäische Politik in Berlin, Metropolitan University Prague, City of Gdańsk and the Hungarian Europe Society. It is co-financed by the European Commission within the framework of its Europe for Citizens programme.
The project entitled “The Future of Democracy: Strengthening Liberal Values, Institutions and Procedures at Global, European, Regional and National Levels” has been launched in March 2022, supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.The Future of Democracy: Strengthening Liberal Values, Institutions and Procedures at Global, European, Regional and National Levels
Liberal democracy has been under attack worldwide in national and regional public arenas as well as through the increasing international geopolitical race between the democratic Western world and strengthening (semi)-authoritarian regimes. The beginning of the twenties of the 21st century has brought up new risks and threats to the surface: environmental emergency, an unknown pandemic, migration, growing economic inequalities, the contradictions of a post-truth era, ideological/cultural as well as social/geographic polarisation and fragmentation, extreme right-wing identity politics, and soon.
The Hungarian Europe Society has two particular focuses which comprehensively incorporate the above mentioned themes. First, the Conference on the Future of Europe that was launched in May 2021 works with an open agenda and its settings let participants discuss all kinds of policy issues as well as legal and institutional renovations. Second, the Summit for Democracy, invented by the Biden administration, goes beyond transatlantic relations regarding its more ambitious, global scope in order to bring together democratic states for action worldwide. Both big exercises give civil groups, think tanks and citizens the chance to interfere and influence conceptual considerations and practical outputs before the end of the deliberations.
We intend to deal with the future of democracy globally and the social-political challenges to the liberal world order. Our focus is on the Summit for Democracy initiated by the Biden administration and its potential impacts on political development at global, regional and national levels from the perspective of civil society. We invite high-level speakers and participants from both sides of the Atlantic to an interactive conference to be held in Budapest. It is our intention to analyze the goals and chances of the summit both from theoretical and practical perspectives with experts, scholars, intellectuals, professionals, NGO-s, citizens and other stake-holders as speakers as well as participating audiences. Civil groups still have a chance to interfere and influence the outcome of the summit with recommendations: we emphasize the criteria and significance of human values and liberal principles, minority rights, the rule of law, political liberties, intercultural dialogue, civic education, new methods for citizens’ participation, media pluralism, digitalisation, transparency, green transformation, social justice, and, last, but not least, the importance of securing the international liberal world order.