
István Hegedűs held a presentation entitled "Strongman and Illiberalism - Pushing Back Against the Enemies of Liberal...
István Hegedűs was asked about Viktor Orbán's and Donald Trump's Relationship in Verkkouutiset by Risto...
István Hegedűs gave an interview to Klikk TV on 21 November 2024 right before the new European Commission took office....
István Hegedűs was invited to the event entitled "European Political Challenges" together with István Szent-Iványi...
István Hegedűs and Erik Uszkiewicz participated at the annual festival of NECE (Networking European Civic Education) in...
The recordings of the conference titled “Mothers of Europe” / Európai nők - Az európai sztori másik fele are...
Erik Uszkiewicz participated in the Friedrich Naumann Foundation's International Academy for Leadership (IAF)...
On 25 October 2024 István Hegedűs met members of the organisation Atelier Europe who arrived for a study tour in...
The Hungarian Europe Society, together with its partners in the DIACOMET project, organised a panel discussion on the...
Between 30 September to 3 October 2024, Erik Uszkiewicz participated at the 2024 Warsaw Human Rights Dimension...
About the project Mothers of Europe is an initiative that tells the story of the pioneering achievements of...
As a preparation for the task of designing the Principles of Good Communication Conduct, the DIACOMET project has...
On 12 September 2024 the Hungarian Europe Society was the guest of the First University Radio of the city of Pest (Első...
Erik Uszkiewicz gave a presentation entitled "How Ukraine and Russia have been portrayed in the Hungarian public sphere...
The publication titled "Media Polarization Turbulences in Georgia and the Visegrad States: How to Depolarize?" was...
István Hegedűs participated at the intergenerational roundtable discussion entitled "We are Europe" organised by...
István Hegedűs gave an interview to journalist Szabolcs Dull in a podcast series of the Association of Hungarian...
István Hegedűs participated at the roundtable discussion organised by the Political Science Department at the Faculty...
István Hegedűs and Erik Uszkiewicz gave presentations about the state of the Hungarian media at the event "Causes...
The recordings of the conference "What Can Liberals and Democrats Fight With? Finding a Winning Narrative in...
Erik Uszkiewicz participated at the workshop entitled "Scenarios for EU policies on democratic security 2024-2029 CEE...
István Hegedűs was asked by the Slovenian newspaper Dnevnik about the debut of Péter Magyar and the state of affairs in...
István Hegedűs participated together with Petra Bárd and Péter Ákos Bod under the moderation of Dóra Ónody-Molnár in an...


Support the notion of an integrated Europe! Hungarian Europe Society Tax Identification Number: 18241518-1-41...
István Hegedűs was a member of the jury at the simulation game of the European Parliament at the Budapest Youth Centre...
István Hegedűs gave an interview to Dnevnik on 23 February 2024 about the state of Hungarian politics after the...
István Hegedűs gave an interview to KlikkTV about the resignation of Katalin Novák, President of the Republic and the...
On 2 February 2024 the opinion of István Hegedűs was quoted by Suomen Kuvalehti about the performance of the...
István Hegedűs participated as a Fidesz expert at the seminar „Liberalism vs. Populism: How can liberals win? Down the...
István Hegedűs was interviewed in Suomen Kuvalehti on 20 December 2023 about Viktor Orbán's behaviour at the...
István Hegedűs was quoted in Le Soir on 13 December 2023 about the politics of the Hungarian Prime Minister in the...
István Hegedűs was quoted in the Bulgarian newspaper Kapital about the European party political plans of Viktor...
István Hegedűs gave a presentation entitled "Hungary in the European Union" at the Budapest City Diplomacy Academy at...
The conference "Cultural Rights in Central and Eastern Europe: Gender, Heritage, Language" was jointly organized by...
István Hegedűs and Erik Uszkiewicz participated at the conference titled "For a Democratic World Order" ...
István Hegedűs was the guest of János Széky in Tilos Rádió on 9 October 2023.
István Hegedűs gave a presentation to the students participating at the course “Political and social...
István Hegedűs gave a presentation entitled "War and Peace: Populist and Radical Political Communication Spread by...
Erik Uszkiewicz participated at the 10th Freedom Games in Łódź between 15 and 17 September 2023. As a panelist he...
István Hegedűs and Erik Uszkiewicz travelled for the kick-off meeting of the EU-funded DIACOMET project held on 13-14...
DIACOMET: Fostering capacity building for civic resilience and participation: Dialogic communication ethics and...
Bronisław Geremek Internship Program              The Renew Europe Group in the...
István Hegedűs gave an interview to Klubrádió about the career of the Hungarian Prime Minister on 31 May 2023.
An interview with István Hegedűs was published in Magyar Hang about the early years of Fidesz on 30 May 2023.
István Hegedűs was cited in Le Monde on Viktor Orbán's early agnosticism on 29 April 2023.
The conference recordings of "The Renewal of Liberal Democracy: Vision, Strategy, Competition. Parties and Civil...
Klubrádió reported about the conference of HES entitled "The Renewal of Liberal Democracy: Vision, Strategy,...
Funded by the European Union (grant agreement ID: 101094816). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the...
The conference recordings of "The Future of Democracy and the Summit for Democracy from the Perspective of a...
László Valki, international lawyer, university professor, doctor of political and legal sciences, member of the...
István Hegedűs participated at the panel discussion organised by JEF Hungary and Time for a European Federation on the...
On 26 November 2022 Klubrádió broadcasted on the international conference "The Future of Democracy and the Summit...
Pictures from the international conference "The Future of Democracy and the Summit for Democracy from the...
Bronisław Geremek Internship Program                     ...
István Hegedűs' article on the state of Hungarian politics was published in Berliner Zeitung on 14 October 2022....
István Hegedűs held the opening lecture of the year at the Budapest Academy of City Diplomacy on 30 September 2022.
István Hegedűs was quoted in the German Tageszeitung on 19 September 2022 about the recent lawmaking process by the...