Blog of Hungarian Europe Society

The Hungarian Europe Society organised a study tour between 21-24 January 2025 to Warsaw. István Hegedűs, Zselyke...
On 27 December 2024, first, two presentations were listened to and discussed by the members who arrived at the seat of...
Communication Distortions and the Possibility of Democratic Dialogue in the 21st Century – in-person international...
Photos by Ivola Bazánth taken at the conference titled "Mothers of Europe” / Európai nők - Az európai sztori másik...
“Mothers of Europe” / Európai nők - Az európai sztori másik fele  Női küzdelmek a demokráciáért, szabadságért és...
Hungarian civil society organisations, including the Hungarian Europe Society, called on EU Member States to...
The publication titled "What Can Liberals and Democrats Fight With? Finding a Winning Narrative in the High-stakes...
The Hungarian Europe Society organised an in-person and on-line workshop under the auspices of the DIACOMET project in...
Charlatans or explorers? Scientific disinformation and populism – in-person and on-line workshop organised by the...
The DIACOMET consortium gathered on a project meeting in Budapest, Hungary, organised by Hungarian Europe Society...
Concluding Public Discussion April 15, 2024 | 12:00h (GMT +4) | 10:00h (CET) Tbilisi Marriott/Hybrid AGENDA...
Dilemmas of Democratic Dialogue – workshop organised by the Hungarian Europe Society under the auspices of DIACOMET...
Photos of the international conference "What Can Liberals and Democrats Fight With? Finding a Winning...
What Can Liberals and Democrats Fight With? Finding a Winning Narrative in the High-stakes 2024 European Elections...
On 26 March 2024 Andrea Szabó, senior researcher at the Institute for Political Science of the Hun-Ren Centre for...


Support the notion of an integrated Europe! Hungarian Europe Society Tax Identification Number: 18241518-1-41...
Fake news, disinformation and conspiracy theories in the Hungarian public sphere was the title of the in-person and on-...
Is It True, Is It False? Fake news, disinformation and conspiracy theories in the Hungarian public sphere – in-person...
"New EU Ideas and Legislation to Strengthen Media Freedom" was the title of the workshop organised by the Hungarian...
New EU ideas and legislation to strengthen media freedom EMFA, DSA, DMA: what do the acronyms mean? – workshop...
Registration is required to attend the event: register here.  Dear Colleagues,  Georgian Institute of...
On 12 September 2023, at the seat of the Hungarian Europe Society in Budapest, Zsuzsanna Szelényi presented her book "...
The publication "The Renewal of Liberal Democracy: Strategy, Vision, Competition, Parties, Civil Society" has been...
Summary of a Hungarian experts' workshop organised by the Hungarian Europe Society, 20 April 2023 By Erik Uszkiewicz...
The Renewal of Liberal Democracy: Vision, Strategy, Competition. Parties and Civil Society - hybrid international...
Pictures from the international conference "The Renewal of Liberal Democracy: Vision, Strategy, Competition....
The Hungarian Europe Society organised a workshop with Hungarian experts entitled "The Renewal of Liberal Democracy:...
On 23 February 2023 Epp Lauk and Kristina Juraitė, Professors at the Vytautas Magnus University Kaunas talked...
Zsuzsanna Szelényi, member of the Hungarian Europe Society, Program Director of the CEU Democracy Institute Leadership...
On 15 December 2022 Antal Örkény, sociologist gave a presentation entitled "Identities and Identity Politics" at...
The Future of Democracy and the Summit for Democracy from the Perspective of a Hungarian NGO - a hybrid conference...
The publication by the Hungarian Europe Society entitled "The Future of Democracy: Strengthening Liberal...
The Future of Democracy: Strengthening Liberal Values, Institutions and Procedures at Global, European, Regional and...
Thibault Muzergues, French political analyst, author of the books "The Great Class Shift: How New Social Class...
In February 2022 a new publication of the EUritage project entitled "A European success story?...
A European Success Story? Central Europe from democratic revolutions to EU Accession (1989-2004) and beyond Debate:...
The publication by HES entitled "Uncertain Times: The Future of Trans-Atlantic Relations from the Perspective...
Invitation: 30 years after peaceful revolution. Remembering German reunification as a success story for Europe?...
The Legacy of 1956, 1989 and 2004 from the Perspective of 2021 in Hungary - hybrid conference organised by the...
András Arató (Dorothy Hart Hirshon Professor in Political and Social Theory in the Sociology Department at the New...
István Hegedűs participated at the roundtable discussion following the launch of the video entitled "A European...
On 28 September 2021 Carsten Q. Schneider (Professor, Department of Political Science and Research Affiliate, Democracy...