Hungarian Europe Society – Gender Equality Plan (2022-2025)
I. Core values
The core values of the Hungarian Europe Society (“HES”) are fundamental rights, equality, human dignity, progress, and social justice.
II. Mission
The Hungarian Europe Society, as a non-partisan and non-governmental organisation, is committed to the ideal of a unifying Europe and wishes to promote Hungary’s ever-deeper integration into Europe. We believe that the founding of the European Union and the subsequent accession of the post-communist countries after the regime-change ranks among the most magnificent chapters in our continent’s history. In the interest of European citizens – Hungarians included – the advantages offered by a common Europe must be fully exploited!
Our organisation is engaged in building ties to other Hungarian and foreign civil groups and think tanks which share our fundamental values. Each year we organise conferences and public debates dealing with the current state and future of the European Union and liberal democracy. The Hungarian Europe Society consistently monitors the Hungarian government and other Hungarian political actors in the European arena. Representing the cause of a united Europe, it regularly issues declarations. It supports the teaching and research activities of HES members related to European political and economic integration, as well as their media appearances, whilst providing them with a forum for presenting their findings. It provides regular information about its activities on its website as well as in the social and mass media, and it always publishes its budget in a transparent manner.
III. General principles
The Hungarian Europe Society strongly believes that every person is equally important and must enjoy the respect of their human rights, regardless of age, sex, gender, sexual- emotional orientation, gender identity, origin, colour, ethnic background, nationality or statelessness, language, religion, socio-economic or educational background, disability, health status or any other protected distinguishing feature. Every person has innate human dignity and shall be treated equally before the law. Our organisation refrains from and steps up against any form of discrimination and negative prejudice, be it based on any of a person’s protected characteristics. We respect diversity and strive to approach differences with an open mind.
IV. Actions
- HES applies the strictest equal treatment obligations with regard to any actions regarding human resources (including recruitment), as determined by international, EU and domestic law.
- We respect our members’, volunteers’ and/or colleagues’ privacy, as well as their right to private and family life. We avoid any unnecessary interference with their free time and leisure activities. We respect everyone’s right to maternity or paternity.
- We apply the above-stated principles of equality, dignity and respect in any interaction with our members, volunteers and colleagues. We rigorously refrain from and step up against any discriminatory, aggressive or intimidating behaviour, bullying and sexual harassment, should it happen in written, verbal or non-verbal form.
- We create an inclusive and equality-oriented organisational culture through our internal and external communication as well as collaboration with other partners and allies.
- We create an organizational culture that ensures the socio-psychological well-being of our members, facilitates the combination of scientific work, studies and leisure activities, prevents harassment and discrimination.
- We are committed to implement anti-discrimination and equal opportunities policies fostering gender balance-based decision-making and leadership, and we ensure transparency in the procedures of recruitment and candidate selection for all available positions in our organisation. As such currently 2 members of our Presidency, the leading Board of the Hungarian Europe Society are female, providing a 50-50% ratio in this body and we are continuously trying to reach the same ratioduring our events, public appearances, internal and external communication.
- We implement every necessary step to avoid any gender pay gap, our evaluation and rewarding mechanisms are strictly based on individual performances.
- We collaborate in all available forms to promote gender equality with public and private bodies, non-governmental and grassroots organisations, stakeholders, decisionmakers, public opinion leaders, activists.
- We encourage and support our members, volunteers and/or colleagues belonging to any kind of minority group including gender minority to claim, enforce and live (with) their rights as these rights are expressed, guaranteed and ensured by national, regional, international and universal declarations, human rights legislative pieces and judicial decisions.
- During the implementation of our projects we strive to give preference to women when any other circumstances are equally identical.
Accepted by the Presidency of the Hungarian Europe Society on 9 August 2022.
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