Discrimination in Hungary

Discrimination in Hungary


On 10 April 2008, Judit Takács, research fellow at the Institute of Sociology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences made a presentation entitled „Homosexuality and LGBT discrimination” about her research project.

10 April 2008.
István Hegedűs was one of the guest speakers at the roundtable entitled "Perspectives on Migration in the European Union: Challenges to Integration in Hungary and Poland" in the framework of the Long Island University Global Program at the Central European University on 23 January 2018.
Allow me to immediately give a brief answer to the headline of this session “Towards an European public sphere?” - I do not think we have one yet, and I am slightly skeptical as to the pace of the development towards it.
Primarily three conditions determine quality and performance of journalism in a free, open society. First, the resources, in a broad meaning, which open up or restrain possibilities of action to journalists; secondly, the legal and political order which guarantees freedom and protection of...
International Conference in Budapest, 6-7 October, 2000 “Investigative Reporting: Making A Difference” (7 Oct @ 11:45am) by Roberta Baskin, Senior Producer, ABC News “20/20”
Are we afraid of the European Union? - The European Union as a Reference Point in the Hungarian Public Discourse. Presentation of József Péter Martin at the conference "The Future of the Enlarged European Union", November 29, 2002.