Where Does the PERC-index Stand? The first report
Where Does the PERC-index Stand? or from EU Destructivists to Federalists: the Relationship of Hungarian Parliamentary Parties towards the European Union - the first report (2012) of the research team of HES can be downloaded below (in Hungarian).
The research team of the Hungarian Europe Society launched a report dealing with the attitudes of the Hungarian parliamentary parties towards the EU (2012). The PERC research project was supported by the Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE Trust).
Executive Summary (in English)
Media coverage:
Hvg. (2012) Távol és mégis közel.
Hvg. (2012) A PERC-mutató kategóriái és definíciói.
Hvg. (2012) Mit vizsgált a PERC-kutatás?
Valasz.hu. (2012) MET: Az LMP a leginkább EU-barát párt.